Treatment that involves insertion of very thin needles at specific points into a person’s skin on the body to various depths is known as Acupuncture. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical art which has been practiced for more than 5,000 years to influence physiological functions. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that harmonious health is the result of balance of “yin” and “yang” of the life force known as “qi,” pronounced “chi.” Illness is the consequences of imbalance forces. Qi flows through meridians in the human body. This technique helps to boost wellbeing and for the cure of some illnesses. This treatment also help to treat conditions like pain, headaches, blood pressure problems, and whooping cough, headache pain, asthma, or arthritis ,lower-back pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Acupuncturist are the one who examine patient and assess their condition, insert one or more thin, sterile needles, and offer advice on self-care. Acupuncturist must use single-use, disposable, sterile needles. The most well-known tool is needles, cups, ear balls. An aspirant who is hard-working, compassionate and having an interest in ancient medical practices can pursue a career as acupuncturist. To become an acupuncturist the candidate, require to complete formal education, get degree programs, license. Acupuncturist treat a wide range of psychological and physiological conditions. They get opportunity to work in private practice and hospitals. Acupuncturists must competent with their hands and be skillful in their work
Typical day at work
Abilities and Aptitude needed
Aspirant must acquire skills like active listening and must have full attention to what other people are saying, asking questions as appropriate, taking time to understand the points being made, and not interrupting at inappropriate times, critical thinking skills to use logic and reasoning for identification of strengths and weaknesses and to solve problem effectively. social perceptiveness to understand others reactions and feelings. Candidate must also have service orientation skill to actively help people. aspirant must have judgment and decision-making skills, speaking, monitoring, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Inductive Reasoning, Oral Comprehension, deductive reasoning, near vision, speech recognition, speech clarity, written comprehension, oral expression. Other than this the other skills like Caring, Honesty, Excellent interpersonal, communication and listening skills, Understanding and sensitivity, Patience, Self-awareness and emotional stability, A logical approach to solving problems, Good hand-eye coordination and a steady hand, Composed, and empathetic, understanding and passion for the mind-body connection.
Entrance Exam
Best Colleges
Acupuncturists can find opportunities in various industries and settings. Some of the industries open to acupuncturists include:
There are internships available for acupuncturists, especially for those who are pursuing formal training or recently graduated from acupuncture programs. Internships offer valuable practical experience and an opportunity to refine skills under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Some potential sources for acupuncture internships include:
Career outlook
Acupuncturist can work in their private clinics, healthcare services, including internal, dental, hospitals, visual care and addiction center, pain management and rehabilitation assistance. Acupuncturist has a freedom of choosing a flexible meeting and schedule. Medical practitioner can also work as an acupuncturist. There is an increasing demand for acupuncturists. Acupuncture treatments are increasingly covered by insurance, work in comfortable offices, usually set their own hours. They may work in multidisciplinary clinic, private practices, health centers, rehabilitation centers, recovery care units and psychiatric wards, teaching, research and writing.