Ecologists use scientific and mathematical models to analyse and interpret correlations between living components' actions and their effects on the environment. Professional ecologists can influence how the general public views the environment by conducting rigorous scientific research and presenting their findings in well-written reports and articles that educate others. Industrial ecologists conduct laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate pollution sources, including those harmful to health. Many work under the supervision of environmental scientists and specialists, who direct and evaluate their work. They work in offices, labs, and out in the field.
Typical day at work
Abilities and Aptitude needed
Entrance Exam
Best Colleges
People who study ecology are often hired under other job titles like environmental consultant, natural resource manager, program manager, lobbyist, and lawyer.
Internships are a critical step in securing a job after graduation. It allows you to learn about companies in your field, develop your own professional working skills, and gain hands-on experience.
Career outlook
Growing awareness of the scope of environmental damage and a greater emphasis on sustainability are expected to drive significant job growth in the environmental sector. Private companies, non-governmental organisations, and primary and secondary schools are expected to generate the majority of demand, rather than universities and federal agencies.