How to become a Professor

Overview, Courses, Exam, Colleges, Pathways, Salary

Academics & research


Who is Professor ?

An individual who is expected to teach and train students at a college or university level is known as a professor. A professor's responsibilities are not just limited to teaching, but also to assist with the growth of course material, supervising the students, visiting conferences, composing a proposal for grants, giving presentations along managing administrative duties.  They are well organised and resourceful people who join in as faculty members in the institution to conduct researches and publish scholarly papers as well. They work in public as well as private sector colleges or universities and their position as a permanent professorship are tenured. It generally takes a candidate a few years of conducting research to turn into a professor from initially being an assistant professor. They must be able to support teaching as well as research duties in order to be successful as a professor. They guide students within their subject area that they have been studying and getting exposure to for many years. 


Typical day at work

What does Professor do?

The basic roles and responsibilities of a professor include:

  • They are expected to delivering lectures, seminars, and classroom teachings in their expert subject area.
  • They are required to set exam papers and handle scoring in examinations. 
  • They must keep a check on completing continuous professional development along with taking part in staff training activities. 
  • They must plan lessons and assignments or projects.
  • They need to develop or revise the curriculum for the appropriate degree or certificate program.
  • They are in charge of evaluating the student's progress by grading the tests, papers and other course work.
  • They guide students about what classes to take, how to accomplish their goals and supervise them to shape their careers in advance.
  • They must be updated and well- informed about modifications and discoveries in their field.
  • They are required to be involved in research work and experiments to improve learning in their field. 
  • They need to supervise new learners who are working toward their doctoral degrees.
  • They must publish original research work and interpretations in books and academic journals.

Abilities and Aptitude needed

What are the skills, abilities & aptitude needed to become Professor?

An exceptional understanding of the subject is required of the subject that is being practised, this is the most fundamental standard for the role of a professor. without a sound understanding of the subject, the individual cannot survive in the field. They must have an engaging personality that holds the concentration of students in every class discussion. They must be accurate with the objectives of the lessons so as to meet the objectives of the class. They need appropriate disciplinary skills as this promotes positive behavioural change in the classroom. Good classroom management skills must come in handy to them as this ensures good student behaviour, efficient study habits and an overall sense of respect towards a classroom. Good communication with parents is a must so as to keep them notified about curriculum, discipline, and other classroom-related issues. A professor must have a great amount of enthusiasm for the subject matter they are teaching. They need a great sense of connection and strong rapport building ability with students as well, along with having a passion to teach and train children.


Salary for Professor?

Professor - Salary Information is as follows :

  • Minimum Monthly Salary: For entry-level Professors or those with limited experience, the monthly salary might range from INR 40,000 to INR 60,000 or more.
  • Maximum Monthly Salary: Highly experienced and renowned Professors, especially those with advanced degrees, significant research contributions, and holding prestigious positions, may earn a monthly salary ranging from INR 1,00,000 to INR 3,00,000 or more.
  • Annual Salary: The annual salary for entry-level Professors could be approximately INR 4.8 lakhs to INR 7.2 lakhs per year. Experienced and well-qualified Professors may earn a maximum yearly salary ranging from INR 12 lakhs to INR 36 lakhs or more.
  • Highest-Paying Jobs and Scope: The highest-paying jobs for Professors are typically found in reputed universities and institutions, especially in fields of high demand, such as medicine, engineering, law, and business. Professors who possess exceptional teaching abilities, demonstrate active research involvement and have a strong publication record can command higher salaries and may have opportunities for career growth into administrative roles like department heads or deans.Professors are integral to higher education, imparting knowledge, conducting research, and shaping students' academic growth. Their expertise and dedication are vital in advancing knowledge in their respective fields. As the demand for quality education and research continues to grow, the need for skilled Professors remains significant.

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How to become an Professor?

Entrance Exam

Entrance Exam for Professor ?


Which course I can pursue?


Which Industries are open for Professor?

Professors can work in various industries and settings, primarily within the field of higher education and research. Some of the industries open for Professors include:

  1. Universities and Colleges: The most common industry for Professors is within traditional universities and colleges, where they teach undergraduate and graduate students in various disciplines.
  2. Research Institutions: Professors may work in dedicated research institutions or research-focused universities, contributing to cutting-edge research in their respective fields.
  3. Professional Schools: Some Professors work in medical schools, law schools, business schools, engineering schools, and other specialized institutions.
  4. Online Education and E-Learning: With the rise of online education, Professors may teach courses and contribute to educational content on various e-learning platforms.
  5. Government and Public Policy Institutions: Professors with expertise in public policy, political science, or related fields may work in government think tanks or policy research organizations.
  6. Nonprofit and NGO Organizations: Professors may collaborate with nonprofit organizations focusing on research, education, and advocacy in specific fields.
  7. Corporate Training and Development: Some Professors may transition to corporate settings, providing employees with specialized training and development programs.
  8. Publishing and Media: Professors may contribute to writing books, academic journals, and other publications within their areas of expertise.
  9. Consulting: Professors with specialized knowledge and research experience may work as consultants for companies or organizations seeking expertise in their respective fields.
  10. International Institutions: Professors may have opportunities to work in international universities, research centers, and academic exchange programs.


Are there internships available for Professor?

Internship opportunities specifically designed for Professors are relatively uncommon, as the role of a Professor is typically a senior and specialized position within academia. However, aspiring or early-career academics can explore some related opportunities and programs to gain valuable experience and enhance their skills. These opportunities may be something other than traditional internships but can offer practical exposure and networking opportunities within academia and research settings. Here are some options:

  1. Teaching Assistant (TA) or Research Assistant (RA): Many universities and colleges offer Teaching assistantships to graduate students or postdoctoral researchers. These positions involve assisting professors with teaching or research responsibilities and providing valuable academic experience.
  2. Postdoctoral Research Fellowships: Postdoctoral positions allow recent Ph.D. graduates to conduct independent research under the mentorship of established Professors. These fellowships enable researchers to enhance their academic profile and gain experience in leading research projects.
  3. Visiting Professorships: Some universities and research institutions offer visiting professor programs that allow academics from other institutions to spend a limited time conducting research, teaching, or collaborating with faculty members.
  4. Summer Research Programs: Many universities host summer research programs for undergraduate students, and some may also involve mentoring by professors, allowing early-career academics to gain teaching and research experience.
  5. Academic Conferences and Workshops: Attending academic conferences and workshops can provide opportunities to present research, network with other academics, and gain exposure to different teaching and research methodologies.
  6. Academic Exchange Programs: Collaborating with foreign universities through academic exchange programs can broaden a Professor's perspective and enhance their teaching and research skills.
  7. Online Teaching and Course Development: Some universities and online learning platforms offer opportunities for Professors to develop and teach online courses, gaining experience in distance education.
  8. Faculty Development Programs: Some institutions provide faculty development programs that offer workshops and training sessions on various aspects of academic career development, including teaching strategies and research methodologies.

Career outlook

What does the future look like for Professor?

The carer outlook for the post of a professor can generally range from industries like private institutions, government institutions, coaching centres, online coaching portals, research-based institutions, etc. A professor's job is considered as one of the noble ones as besides sharing formal educational knowledge, they also pay attention to supervising and mentoring the behaviour and actions of their students in the right direction. They get to present themselves as a great influential role in a student's life in those crucial years of learning. They are the ones who play an essential role in society to develop worthy human beings and help them find direction in their life. A professor's job is indeed a very responsible one and can not be taken casually. The profession has its advantages of an attractive salary amount, suitable work timings, a significant count of annual leaves, and some other additional perks like accommodation at a low rent, retirement privileges, travel reimbursements, etc.