Certificate Course in Web designing - Course, Fees, Eligibility, Top Colleges, Top Careers

img3 Years
Study Mode
imgFull Time

Course Description

This course includes teaching HTML, CSS, PHP, and other languages that are used to build a website. The students are taught about Adobe Dreamweaver and how to set up a sitemap, create a website with multiple pages, to create a form and publish the sites, using the same. The course also introduces the concept of a jQuery plugin that improves the user experience with transition and slider effects on the website. The course teaches how to implement vector animation on the websites and other visual effects also. Adobe flash is introduced to get knowledge of vector animation. The course provides full knowledge on how to set a complete website. After completing this course, students will have a complete knowledge of the Web designing process and will be able to work as an Web designer in any IT Sector company.


The candidate should have qualified 10+2 (any stream + English) or its equivalent from a recognized board of education with at least 60% marks in aggregate.