Course Description
Astrology is a growing field of science cum spirituality which is also taking up as a field of careers in the present age. Diploma in Astrology is designed in nature to aid students who have an inclination towards astrology gain an intricate overview of the subject and thereby enabling themselves in taking up future prospects in the field.
The program empowers students in understanding the various factors that make up the field of astrology. After gaining a certain foothold in the field, students can go on to add advanced knowledge of the sector by taking up bachelors and higher qualifications in the field. Diploma in Astrology program touches on the aspects which are unknown to commoners thereby building the ground for students of astrology per se to know about the effects of planets, stars and other factors which have an impact on human life.Diploma in Astrology curriculum is set in a manner, wherein students can gain the pertinent knowledge without much hassle. The modules are not much complicated and related to all the dimensions intricate to the field. They are acquainted with the astrological jargons, to the genres of numerology, palmistry, astrology, tarot card reading and many more. In the final term, they are given a project to work on to gain an insight on how much that have imbibed through the program and how well are they trained.
Diploma in Astrology is an apt program for students who are fond of gaining knowledge as well as building their career in the area of Astrology. They can go on to make their career as private consultants as well as niche professional in the area of numerology, tarot card reading, palmistry, mind-reading and other such. The overall aim of the program is preparing the students in using their knowledge for the well of others and make a profound career in the end.