A computer support specialist also referred to as a Technical or Tech Support Specialist, Help Desk Technician, provides help and advice to computer users and organisations. This skilled professional analyses, troubleshoots and evaluates computer-related issues. Computer support professional is in charge of the upkeep of a company's hardware, software, network resources, and services. Computer support experts also play a significant part in a business's disaster recovery operations by implementing specific practices and standards such as demanding backups on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, depending on the organisation's requirements. Some computer support specialists are called user support specialists as they assist the company's clients.
In contrast, others, called network support specialists or network technicians, deal with providing in-house support to a company's staff. Network support specialists are expected to be prompt in solving computer-related problems as most organisational operations are dependent on these systems. They can be of assistance through phone calls, emails and, if need be, in-person visits. A computer support specialist often works under network and computer systems administrators. While some computer support specialists work with large software companies or support service firms and help customers with business-specific programs or resolve in-house computer-related issues, others work in call centres and help customers with fundamental issues like re-establishing the internet connection. The following article provides a more informed understanding of how to become a computer support specialist, computer support specialist qualifications, job description, etc.
Typical day at work
Generally, computer support specialist job description comprises of the following tasks:
Abilities and Aptitude needed
As the reliance on technology increases, there is a surge in demand for computer support specialists to service and maintain the systems. Employment opportunities for computer support specialists are great in computer system design and healthcare industries and even IT consulting firms as budding companies turn to them for technological support. The computer support specialist salary is generally rewarding depending on the qualifications, experience, location, industry and organisation. It is a great career option for an aspirant who enjoys working with technology and has excellent communication skills. Also, many computer support specialists are promoted into positions that help improve the efficiency of new products and sometimes even become software developers and administrators later.
Entrance Exam
In order to enroll into a Bachelor’s program at an esteemed university, aspirants are expected to clear the JEE main and subsequently, the JEE Advance exam which makes the aspirant eligible to apply anywhere in India. It is a very difficult and challenging exam to crack that requires hard work as well as rigorous and consistent preparation. Some states have their own entrance exams that are admissible in their respective universities. Many educational institutes conduct their own entrance tests.
Best Colleges
Depending on one’s qualifications, experience and skill set, aspirants may apply for the following computer support specialist job profiles:
In any given field, along with theoretical knowledge, it is always an added advantage to get an on-ground experience that enhances the aspirant's understanding of the domain. Therefore, it is highly encouraged to take up an internship and gain exposure to the latest software and hardware tools, methodologies and technology and become fluent with industrial standards. Aspirants may seek internships while studying and even after graduation. Many education boards have made it mandatory to take up at least one internship during the course of their degree program in order better to prepare the candidates for competence in the real world.
Career outlook
As the reliance on technology increases, there is a surge in the demand for computer support specialists to service and maintain the systems. Employment opportunities for computer support specialists are great in computer system design and healthcare industries and even IT consulting firms as budding companies turn to them for technological support. The computer support specialist salary is generally rewarding depending on the qualifications, experience, location, industry and organization. It is a great career option for an aspirant who enjoys working with technology and has excellent communication skills. Also, many computer support specialists are also promoted into positions that help improve the efficiency of new products and sometimes even become software developers and administrators later.